1. Turn the temperature control knob to MAX position.
2. Let the grid plate or plate heat up for 5 minutes. When the appliance is heater for the first time, it
may emit slight smoke or odor. This is normal with many heating appliances. This does not affect
the safety of your appliance.
3. Place the food to be grilled on the grill rack or plate and set the temperature according to the
thickness and weight of the food to be cooked; indicator lights turns ON.
4. For best results, turn food occasionally to ensure that the food is cooked according to your pre-
5. While grilling, power indicator light will cycle ON and OFF. This is to ensure that internal componen-
ts of the griller will not overheat for guaranteed safe cooking.
Turn thermostat to OFF shortly before the food is about to get cooked. The heat in the griller would
be sufficient enough for the last few minutes cooking; this will also reduce electric energy consu-
6. Unplug Electric Grill from the power supply and let it cool down completely before storing it.
do not use the barbecue with the tray empty, always put water in the tray when using it.
SOMe COOKing inFOrMatiOn
• Deep frozen grilling material needs to be thawed completely before grilling
• To grill the material uniformly, it should be turned often while grilling.
• The duration of grilling depends on the food to be grilled. Here you can find some processing time:
tYPe OF Meat
griLLing tiMe
Beef filet
8-15 minutes
Beef hamburger
8-15 minutes
Veal cutlet
5-8 minutes
Pork cutlet
12 minutes
Lamb cutlet
4-8 minutes
nOte: For purposes of safety, the appliance will automatically shut off, if you take off the con-
trol unit from the body.
CaUtiOn! the grill or the plate must no touch the heating coil.