6.2 Electrode Placement
Set the chest electrode first, then the limb electrode.
6.2.1 Chest electrode:
V1: Fourth inter-costal space at right border of sternum.
V2: Fourth inter-costal space at left border of sternum.
V3: Midway between V2 and V4.
V4: Fifth inter-costal space at left mid-clavicular line.
V5: Left anterior axillary line at the horizontal lever of V4.
V6: Left mid-axillary line at the horizontal lever of V4.
Clean the positions around to which chest electrodes are to be attached with alcohol, lay the ECG
medical gel on dia.25cm area around the position and the edge of chest electrode cap, press the
suction bulb, firmly attach the electrodes to the positions between V1 and V6.