Gill Instruments Ltd
Page 57
Issue 3
Doc. No. 1957-PS-021
May 2018
6.2.2 MetSet Editing Screen
When connected correctly a MetSet editing screen is available to read configuration settings, change
configuration settings, save MaxiMet configuration settings to a PC file location, upload MaxiMet
configuration settings from a PC file and view the MaxiMet raw data string output.
MetSet Connection Status Information
ONLINE in green indicates the MaxiMet has been successfully
connected to MetSet.
OFFLINE in grey indicates that MetSet is being used without a
MaxiMet in communication with MetSet.
4800 COM23
4800 is a report on the MaxiMet baud rate setting.
COM 23 is a report on the MaxiMet COM port connection number.
S/W ver: 2669-2.00.14
2669 is the MaxiMet firmware number.
2.00.14 is the firmware revision.
Protocol ver: 4
4 is the protocol version (Gill internal reference).
Source: Device
MetSet reads ‘Device’ when the source of the data that MetSet has
retrieved has come from the MaxiMet and the MaxiMet Model.
MetSet reads ‘File’ when the source of data has come from a saved
MetSet reports on the connected MaxiMet device (MAXIMET
GMX501-3B-000) and reads the unit Serial Number (S/N: 16240012)
Source of MetSet data
MaxiMet device
setting options
View MaxiMet
raw data output
Serial number
Move mouse over exclamation or
question marks to read setting
Return to opening
MetSet screen
MetSet Editing Screen
Model number