IOM Sampling with the Gilian GilAir Plus Pump Procedure
Photo 5. Calibrator Setup
5. If the
“average” reading on the calibrator is
between 1900-2100 cc/min (1.90-
2.10L) then the pump flow needs to be adjusted to the average flow rate on the
calibrator. (i.e., If the average flow on calibrator reads 1890 cc/min (1.89L), then
adjust the flow on the pump to 1890 which will increase the pump volume closer
to 2000 cc/min.)
6. To adjust the flow on the pump, press the
“+/-” button to go up or down to the
flow rate needed. Press the check mark/power button once adjusted.
Allow the piston to cycle at least 10 times prior to taking the reading.
Once the “Flow” and “Average” reading stabilize, take the average reading as the
calibration number. This number should be within 5% of 2.0 L/min (2000 cc/min).
8. Record the time of calibration for each pump.
Clear the reading by pressing the “right” arrow on the calibrator to reset.
10. Once you have
recorded the “average” flow rate on calibrator, press the check
mark/power button on pump twice. This will return pump to the main screen.