FCC Information
This equi�ment has been tested and found to com��y �ith the �imits for a C�ass B
digita� de�ice, �ursuant to Part 15 of the �CC Ru�es. These �imits are designed to
�ro�ide reasonab�e �rotection against harmfu� interference in a residentia� insta��a-
tion. This equi�ment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and,
if not insta��ed and used in accordance �ith the instructions, may cause harmfu�
interference to radio communications. Ho�e�er, there is no guarantee that interfer-
ence �i�� not occur in a �articu�ar insta��ation. If this equi�ment does cause harmfu�
interference to radio or te�e�ision rece�tion, �hich can be determined by turning
the equi�ment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference
by one or more of the fo��o�ing measures:
• Reorient or re�ocate the recei�ing antenna.
• Increase the se�aration bet�een the equi�ment and recei�er.
• Connect the equi�ment into an out�et on a circuit different from that to �hich the
recei�er is connected.
• Consu�t the dea�er or an ex�erienced radio/TV technician for he��.
Changes or modifications not ex�ress�y a��ro�ed by Ignition L.P. may cause
interference and �oid the user’s authority to o�erate the equi�ment.
This de�ice com��ies �ith Part 15 of the �CC Ru�es. O�eration is subject to the
fo��o�ing t�o conditions: (1) This de�ice may not cause harmfu� interference, and
(2) this de�ice must acce�t any interference recei�ed, inc�uding interference that
may cause undesired o�eration.
Wire�ess S�eaker System for iPod
Ignition L.P.
3102 Ma��e A�e. Suite 450
Da��as, TX 75201
Limited Warranty
Ignition L.P. �arrants this �roduct against defects in materia�s and �orkmanshi�
under norma� use by the origina� �urchaser for
ninety (90) days
after the date of
This �arranty does not co�er: (a) damage or fai�ure caused by or attributab�e to
abuse, misuse, fai�ure to fo��o� instructions, im�ro�er insta��ation or maintenance,
a�teration, accident, Acts of God (such as floods or �ightning), or excess �o�tage or
current; (b) im�ro�er or incorrect�y �erformed re�airs by �ersons �ho are not a
Ignition L.P. Authorized Ser�ice �aci�ity; (c) consumab�es such as fuses or batteries;
(d) ordinary �ear and tear or cosmetic damage; (e) trans�ortation, shi��ing or
insurance costs; (f) costs of �roduct remo�a�, insta��ation, set-u� ser�ice, adjust-
ment or reinsta��ation; and (g) c�aims by �ersons other than the origina� �urchaser.
Shou�d a �rob�em occur that is co�ered by this �arranty, take the �roduct and
the sa�es recei�t as �roof of �urchase date to the ��ace of �urchase. Ignition L.P.
�i��, at its o�tion, un�ess other�ise �ro�ided by �a�: (a) re�air the �roduct �ithout
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