Power-Cord Protection
— Route �o�er-su���y cords so they are not
�ike�y to be �a�ked on or �inched by items ��aced on or against them,
�aying �articu�ar attention to cords at ��ugs, out�ets, and the �oint
�here they exit from the de�ice.
Non-use Periods
— The de�ice’s �o�er cord shou�d be un��ugged
from the out�et �hen it is to be �eft unused for a �ong �eriod of time.
— Do not o�er�oad �a�� out�ets, extension cords, or other
out�ets. This can resu�t in fire or e�ectric shock.
Objects and Liquids — Ne�er s�i�� �iquids or �ush objects of any kind
into this de�ice through o�enings, as they may touch dangerous
�o�tage �oints or short out �arts that cou�d resu�t in a fire or e�ectric
Carts and Stands
— If the de�ice is used �ith a cart or stand, the
cart or stand shou�d be a ty�e recommended by the manufacturer.
A de�ice and cart combination shou�d be mo�ed �ith care. Quick
sto�s, excessi�e force, and une�en surfaces cause the de�ice and cart
combination to o�erturn.
Damage Requiring Service
— Refer ser�icing to qua�ified ser�ice
�ersonne� under these conditions:
* When the �o�er-su���y cord or ��ug is damaged.
* Liquid �as s�i��ed or objects fe�� in the de�ice.
* If the de�ice has been ex�osed to rain or �ater.
* If the de�ice does not o�erate norma��y by fo��o�ing the o�erating
instructions. Adjust on�y those contro�s that are co�ered by the
o�erating instructions, as an im�ro�er adjustment of other contro�s
may resu�t in damage and �i�� often require extensi�e �ork by a
qua�ified technician to restore the de�ice to norma� o�eration.
* If the de�ice has been dro��ed or damaged.
* When there a distinct change in �erformance.
— Do not attem�t to ser�ice this de�ice yourse�f, as
o�ening or remo�ing co�ers may ex�ose you to dangerous �o�tage or
other hazards. Refer a�� ser�icing to qua�ified ser�ice �ersonne�.
Replacement Parts
— When re��acement �arts are needed, use
on�y �arts s�ecified by the manufacturer or �arts �ith the same
characteristics as the origina� �art. Substitutions may resu�t in fire or
e�ectric shock.
Safety Check
— U�on com��etion of ser�ice or re�airs, ask the
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