Made in Germany
© Gigahertz Solutions GmbH
are penetrated by the radiation. To do this one should not stand in
the centre of the room, measuring in all directions from there, but
monitor the permeable areas with the antenna (LogPer) directed
and positioned close to the wall/ceiling/floor. The reason for this is
that the antenna lobe widens with increasing frequency. In addi-
tion reflections and cancellations inside rooms make it impossible
to locate the “leaks” accurately. See the illustrating sketch below!
Potentiell durchlässiger Bereich
Potentially permeable Area
Audio Frequency Analysis (HF35C / HF38B only)
Many different frequencies within the frequency band between
800 MHz and 2.7 GHz, are being used by many different services.
The audio analysis
of the modulated portion of the HF signal
helps to
identify the source of a given HF radiation signal
Sounds and signals are very difficult to describe in writing. The
easiest way to identify them is to listen to the sound samples of
the different signal sources, which can be found as MP3 files on
our homepage. Alternatively, you can approach known HF
sources very closely and listen to and memorise their specific
signal patterns.
”Marking“ of unpulsed signals:
Un-pulsed signals or signal portions by their very nature are not
audible in the audio analysis and therefore easily missed. For that
reason, in our meters they are marked by a uniform “rattling” tone,
with its volume proportional to its contents of the total signal. This
“marking” has a frequency of 16 Hz (please see sound samples
on our website).
For more in-depth analyses
Gigahertz Solutions offers:
for expanding the designed range of the analysers
upwards for strong sources of pollution.
Instruments for lower HF:
For measurement of signal frequen-
cies above 27 MHz (including: CB radioing, analogue and digital
TV and radio TETRA etc.) we offer the instruments HFE35C and
Instruments for HF up to 6 GHz / 10 GHz:
For analyses for yet
higher frequencies (up to abt. 6 GHz, including WLAN, WIMAX
and some directional radio sources and aviation radar), we offer
Turn the attenuator knob for the audio analysis fully to the left („-„) before
switching the meter on, as the sound might be very loud at high field strength