1. Enter an Anniversary name and then press
2. Enter an Anniversary Time and then press
3. Enter a Schedule Alarm and then press
++Editing the Anniversary
If a task is already defined in the Anniversary, it is displayed selecting the Anniversary menu
option. Press
soft right key
to edit the content.
Up to 10 schedulescan be saved. First press
+ 3 + 8
Highlight the desired date to schedule. Next, Press
and enter Schedule Contents.
++Entering the Schedule 1
(Select [Empty])
Enter Schedule Content and then press
Enter a Schedule Time (date, time) and then press
Enter a Schedule Term and then press
Enter a Schedule Alarm and then press
++Editing the Schedule 2
If a task is already defined in the Schedule, it is displayed when you select the Schedule
menu option. Press
soft right key
to edit the content.
+To Do List
Up to 10 To Do Lists can be saved.
++Creating the To Do List