BIOS Setup
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2-2-6 Serial Port Console Redirection
(Note) Advanced items prompt when this item is defined.
COM1/COM2 Serial Over
LAN Console Redirection
Select whether to enable console redirection for specified device. Console
redirection enables the users to manage the system from a remote
Options available: Enabled/Disabled. Default setting is Disabled.
Legacy Console Redirection Selects a COM port for legacy serial redirection. The options are
dependent on the available COM ports.
Serial Port for Out-of-Band
Management / Windows
Emergency Management
Services (EMS) Console
Selects a COM port for EMS console redirection. EMS console redirection
allows the user to configure Console Redirection Settings to support Out-
of-Band Serial Port management.
Options available: Enabled/Disabled. Default setting is Disabled.
COM1/COM2 Serial LAN/
Legacy/Serial Port for Out-
of-Band EMS Console
Redirection Settings
Press [Enter] to configure advanced items.
Please note that this item is configurable when COM1/COM2 Serial
Over LAN/Serial Port for Out-of-Band Management EMS Console
Redirection is set to Enabled.
Terminal Type
– Selects a terminal type to be used for console redirection.
– Options available: VT100, VT100+, ANSI , VT-UTF8. Default
setting is ANSI.