1 – cold/hot water inlet;
2 – cold/hot water outlet;
3 – summer condensation drain;
4 – winter condensation drain;
5 – room air delivery;
6 – room air recirculation
7 – foul air ejection;
8 – air exchange inlet;
9 – foul air vacuum;
10 – electric wire inlet;
11 – hydraulic circuit vent;
Connection of water circuit pipes
Insert shut-off valves inside the chilled water pipes to section the system from the machine.
After connecting the circuit to the system, test the water seal of the connections and the unit to
prevent damages to the area below.
Condensation drain siphons
There are two condensation drains, one for summer and one for winter.
They are essential to prevent air vacuum from hindering proper draining of any condensation;
they should be installed separately near the unit drain ducts with a 40-mm min height.