G H A R I E N I b e d s
Step 3: Press the On/Off button. The heating system is off. The display LEDs are
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S e t t i n g t h e u p p e r h e a t i n g m a t t e m p e r a t u r e
Press the "HMU" button repeatedly to select the temperature of the upper
heating mat. Every extra LED that lights up means an increase by 1° Celsius.
The first green LED represents
28° C.
The basic setting is approx. 33° C (6 LEDs lit up)
If all 10 of the LEDs have lit up, the temperature setting is
37° C.
You can switch off the heating by means of the "On/Off" button –> the LEDs will
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S e t t i n g t h e w a t e r c u s h i o n t e m p e r a t u r e
Press the "HML" button repeatedly to select the water heating temperature.
Because the tenth LED is used to indicate this operating mode, it is not available
for entering the parameters!
Every extra LED that lights up again means an increase of approx. 1° Celsius.
The first green LED represents
23° C
The basic setting is approx. 28° C (6 LEDs lit up).
If all 10 of the LEDs have lit up, the temperature setting is
32° C.
You can switch off the heating by means of the "On/Off" button –> the LEDs will
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D i s p l a y i n g a n d s e t t i n g t h e h e a t i n g d u r a t i o n
Different operating times can be set for both heating mats.
First press the "HMU" or "HML" buttons to select the relevant heating mat.
When the "Time" button is first pressed, the remaining heating time (residual
time to switch-off) is indicated.
After a delay of
a couple of seconds
the display automatically switches over to
the temperature display.
Repeatedly press the "Time" button to change the heating time of the heating
mat. The number of LEDs indicates the times as follows:
Surface heating (upper heating mat)
Every LED represents
10 minutes
; the basic setting is 60 minutes. Ten
LEDs equals the maximum heating time of 100 minutes. The residual time can
be increased or decreased while heating takes place.
Water heating (lower heating mat)
Every LED represents
30 minutes
. The basic setting is 4.5 hours. Nine
LEDs can be used to enter the setting – the tenth LED indicates the operating
mode (lower heating).