Door functions part 4
Intermediate open function
All command inputs active
Input X7.2 and internal radio receiver active
Input X5.4 and OPEN push button active
Safety functions
Safety functions
Force monitoring (DES)
0 = Off
Adjustable from 2 % to 10 % overload
Photo cell ignore function
Teach the control to ignore a position where the photo beam is obstructed every time
the door closes i.e. by the safety edge cable.
(See page 44)
(teach-in 2x same reference position)
Travel time monitoring (NES only)
0 = Off
0 to 90 seconds
Door safety switch function
(input X2.2)
Slack-wire or pedestrian door switch
Crash detector (NC contact)
Crash detector (NO contact)
Reversing time change
(Normally = -.0 Adjust only to Door Manufacturers recommendations
to comply with
BSEN12453 -
limitation of forces)
[ + ] slower
[ – ]