C a m e r a Ty p e : P e l c o - D / P e l c o - P / S o n y ( b a u d r a t e : 9 6 0 0 ) / Ya a n ( b a u d
Camera address: Select needed camera to operate.
Different ID should be allocated when more than one main controller are
cascaded. When only one main controller is in use, main controller ID should
set as 1.
Setup Preset Point:
For example, the camera is set to focus on the position of unit number 1,
enter desired preset number (here is 1) at the unit column, click button
“Save Preset” to save setup. Following the routine to complete the rest
preset point setup. System default preset point number is zero (0), when all
units off, camera will set to track this specific position, normally it is the full
view of the meeting room. When clicking “Unit Light On”, the light loop of
currently operated units will flash during preset point setup, to allow
operator to focus on the unit easily. After saving the setup, clicking button
“Test Preset” to check if the preset point of specific unit is set correctly.
Priority Setup: Manual Recover, Auto Recover
Manual Recover: Delegate units will be off when pressing the chairman
priority once. Delegate units need to be turned on manually by pressing the
ON/OFF button.
Auto Recover: Delegate units will be off when long pressing the chairman
priority button. Delegate units will be on again when releasing the priority
Auto Off: to turn off the microphone automatically if the chairman or
delegate do not speak in certain time. 0S means this function is not
Time Off: to turn off the microphone compulsively by the set certain time.
Line In: adjust line in volume
Line Out: adjust line out volume
Camera Tracking
In this section, manual offered in computer version and touch screen
version for different platforms use purpose. Touch screen sensitivity
adjustment was provided in touch screen version.