Healthy Spine
In addition to its main action - healthy spine, swing machine helps to
solve a number of different health problems and significantly improve the
quality of life.
Fat reduction
Swing machine does exercises for you! Due to the oscillatory movement
of the muscles begin to work without accompanying your efforts.
Increased immunity
During daily training as spine straightens, the muscle tone come in, lost
feeling stiffness, improves blood circulation, and in consequence of all this
increases immunity.
Improved circulation
Undulating spine caused by light vibrations stimulate the function of the
capillaries, thus getting better blood circulation and accelerates the flow of
blood to the heart.
Oxygen enrichment
The lack of oxygen in the blood is the result of poor blood circulation, and
in this case there is an imbalance of incoming oxygen and carbon dioxide
emitted by the body. Such an imbalance can cause a number of diseases.
People who rarely participate in sports and are rarely exposed to the open
air their health at risk. Swing machine solves the problem of less active
lifestyles, as 15 minute sessions on the unit equal to the passage of 10,000
Improving the quality of sleep
When you are tired, sleep becomes deeper and stronger. Particularly
contribute to this charitable light exercise. Just the kind that you get through
the swing machine. The body gets the necessary amount of oxygen the
blood accelerates metabolism improves, the stress goes away, and you are
immersed in a good night’s sleep.
Impact of the swing machine