Healthy Spine
Vertebral (spinal) simulator Healthy Spine - is a physiotherapy unit, per
person performing physical exercise, physical therapy, exercise, «goldfish».
Thanks to the smooth rhythmic rocking legs, swing trainer machine, a
separate body in a wavelike motion. During exercise sinusoidal mechanical
vibration (not vibration) is gradually transferred from the foot to the ankle
knee and hip joints, then the lumbar, lower, middle, upper chest, and, in the
end, and the cervical spine.
Oscillatory motion of the spine segments in the horizontal position can
achieve a physiologically correct position relative to each other, which leads
to the normalization of biomechanics of the spine as a whole system.
Fluctuations in parts of the body leads to stimulation of the central and
peripheral circulation, a significant increase in metabolic normalization of
the nervous and endocrine systems, the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the
release of endorphins into the bloodstream.
The main effect of the swing machine - the stabilization of the structure
and function of the spine. In addition, the device increases the level of
oxygen without the physical strain and effort of man. Comprehensive
training of muscles is provided by vibrational effects, stimulates blood
circulation, improves the heart, lungs, stomach, is correcting posture. On
energy consumption and its healing effect on the body, and fifteen minutes
of exercise with the machine equivalent of ten thousand steps a moderate