Limitations of Warranties
Limited Warranties apply only to Products manufactured by or for GeoVision that can be
identified by the "iDi Signage" or "GeoVision" trademark, trade name, or logo affixed to them.
Limited Warranties do not apply to any non-iDi Signage and non-GeoVision products
including counterfeited products. GeoVision and iDi Signage are not liable for any damage to
or loss of any profit, programs, data, or other information stored on any media, or any non-iDi
Signage and non-GeoVision Products or part not covered by these warranties. Recovery and
reinstallation of system and application software and user data are not covered under Limited
Warranties. Limited Warranties do not apply if:
a) Products have been subjected to abnormal use, improper storage, unauthorized
modifications, unauthorized repair, misuse, neglect, abuse, accident, alternation, removal
of any stickers or labels on the hardware, improper hardware/software installations, or
other acts that are not the faults of GeoVision, including damage caused by shipping;
b) Products have been damaged from exposure under circumstances which is over
weatherproof specification of the product, an Act of God, or improper use of any electrical
source, or the connection to other products not recommended for interconnection by iDi
Signage or GeoVision;
c) Products have defects or damage caused due to computer virus attack, internet or
technical issues;
d) Products serial number have been removed, defaced or altered; or
e) Products have been sold by an unauthorized distributor or retailer.
Disclaimer of Warranties
Except as specified in these Warranties, all express or implied conditions, representations,
and warranties including, without limitation, any implied warranties or condition of
merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, satisfactory quality,
non-interference, accuracy of informational content, or arising from a course of dealing, law,
or trade practice, are hereby excluded to the extent allowed by applicable law and are
expressly disclaimed by GeoVision and iDi Signage. To the extent implied warranties cannot
be excluded, such warranties are limited in duration to the express warranties period.
Because some states or jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long implied warranties
lasts, the above limitation may not apply. These warranties give customers specific legal
rights, and customer may also have other rights which vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.
This disclaimer and exclusion shall apply even if the express warranties set forth above fails
of its essential purpose.