Chapter 5 Face Recognition
can detect for and identify persons’ faces from its
predefined database. Upon successful recognition, the name of the person identified is
displayed on the live view while the related data are recorded into the camera as a recognition
event, as exemplified by the figure below. Those who are detected but failed to be recognized
within the database are recorded as “unknown”.
Read the following sections to learn how to improve the efficiency and accuracy of face
recognition, particularly in regards to variables, such as the movement speed and facial
direction of the recognition target. It is recommended to install the camera in places where the
targets are facing right at the camera and remain focused for a maximized depth of field. It is
also essential to arrange proper lighting conditions to avoid high contrast and backlighting that
obscures the recognition target. See
5.2 Installation Flowchart
for a step-by-step guide of the
Figure 5-1