GV-800H V5
- 16 / 32-channel digital video recorder
- 16-channel: Records up to 120 (NTSC) / 100 (PAL) fps at CIF resolution
- 32-channel: Records up to 240 (NTSC) / 200 (PAL) fps at CIF resolution
- Has the options of 4U (20-bay), 4U (8 / 4-bay) and 3U (16 / 8-bay)
hot-swap SATA drive bays
- 32-channel digital video recorder
- Has the options of 4U (20-bay), 4U (8 / 4-bay) and 3U (16 / 8-bay)
hot-swap SATA drive bays
- Extends compatibility to GeoVision IP devices only
- 32-channel GeoVision IP devices and 1 / 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 / 14 / 16 /
18 / 20 / 22 / 24 / 26 / 28 / 30 / 32-channel third-party IP devices digital
video recorder
- Has the options of 4U (20-bay), 4U (8 / 4-bay) and 3U (16 / 8-bay)
hot-swap SATA drive bays
GV-Hot Swap
Server System
- Receives and records up to 128 IP channels
- Distributes up to 300 IP channels
- Has the options of 4U (20-bay), 4U (8 / 4-bay) and 3U (16 / 8-bay)
hot-swap SATA drive bays
A dongle is internally inserted in GV-5016H V5 / GV-NVRH V5 and GV-Hot Swap
Recording Server System.