Genvex A/S
Sverigesvej 6
DK-6100 Haderslev
Tel.: +45 73 53 27 00
Our Units and Controls – Your Choice
Genvex has more than 40 years of experience in creating quality units
providing optimum indoor climate with excellent energy efficiency. Our
systems employ the newest technologies in heat recovery and have
heat recovery rates of up to 96%. The systems are continuously
optimised with the newest technologies.
Advanced controls ensure that as little energy as possible is used for
reaching an optimum level of comfort.
Today’s and future construction place greater and greater requirements
for energy-friendly, yet compact systems. We at Genvex are aware of
this and are continuously developing solutions that meet these needs.
For example, a brilliant solution for decentralised housing ventilation is
a range hood solution with full integration to the system’s control which
ensures that the most efficient ventilation system is achieved with the
simplest installation.