Operating instructions
GEFA / DOMINO valve AT 200F (ATEX II 1D/2DG c)
AT200F-ATEX-Betriebsanleitung (GB).doc (ZA) 21.09.2007
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II 1D/3DG c
II 1D/2DG c
Maximum surface temperature
The surface temperature of the valve is determined by the temperature of the operating medium.
Any increase in temperature due to frictional warmth is negligible, since the relative speed of the moving parts is
extremely low.
The connection between the temperature of the conducted medium, the temperature class and the device category
can be seen in the following table.
Temperature of the
operating medium
Temperature class
II 3G or II 2G
II 3G or II 2G
II 3G or II 2G
II 3G or II 2G
The temperature of the operating medium must not exceed 150 °C on account of the seals used.
The ignition temperature of whirled up dust must be at least 1.5 times the temperature of the conducted medium.
The glow temperature of dusts deposited on the valve must be at least 75 °C greater than the temperature of the
operating medium, whereby the thickness of the dust layer must not exceed 5 mm.
Marking acc. 94/9/EC
The valves are marked with the following details:
GEFA Dortmund
AT 200F
Nominal width
PN level
Maximum operating excess pressure (pmax)
Permissible environmental temperature: -20 °C
+60 °C
Serial number
Month and year of manufacture
Certificate number
Explosion protection mark
Category 1D inside the valve / Category 3D or 3G outside the valve.
Category 1D inside the valve / Category 2D or 2G outside the valve.
Operator’s duty of care
GEFA valves are designed and manufactured after careful selection of the standards and technical specifications to
be met. They are state of the art and allow the maximum level of safety during operation.
Design modifications may only be carried out with the written permission of the manufacturer.
Safety during operation can only be guaranteed if all of the required measures are taken. It is part of the operator’s
duty of care to plan and check these measures.
The operator must particularly ensure that:
The valve is only used for its intended purpose.
The material of the valve is selected acc. to the working conditions.
The valve is only operated in a perfect, serviceable condition.
The operating instructions are constantly available at the place where the valve is to be used.
The valve is only operated, maintained and repaired by suitably qualified personnel.