Your Geeksme device will need to be working for at least 30 seconds to record
any information and will work for up to 3 hours. If after that time you still want to
keep registering data, we are sure you can use a break to activate g!love again. To
turn it off you will have to access the g!love mode screen again and then hold a
long press once more till the "love OFF" message is on screen.
When the g!love mode is on, you will see a heart on the top of the screen.
Besides, during this time the g!fitness mode will be off and will stop recording
your walked steps and distance..
If you want to check the start and end time for your intercourse (or any other
things you guys were up to!) how long were you on it, the calories and fat burned
and the intensity, you can see it all on the Geeksme app. The calories and fat you
burned will add to the ones from the g!fitness mode for the daily total..
Once again, you can rate your activity, check the stats, caloric and fat
consumption, see the event list and access any particular date.
In this particular mode, the information is kept on event units - not days, as
g!fitness and g!sleep. This means that, if you register three different sexual
actions in a day, every single one will have its own entry and you will be able