Page 12 Edition I
Description of additional functions
DHW priority
The GH07EB controller allows DHW to be set as priority mode. In this mode of operation,
heating hot water becomes priority and CH takes a secondary position. This is available only
in the second heating configuration. To enable, set the value
in user parameter
Summer mode.
The GH07EB controller is equipped with a summer mode, turning off the heating in the
summer and using the boiler only to heat water. This function requires an installation supporting
the DHW pump.
This is available only in the second heating configuration. To enable, set the
in parameter
Anti-legionella function
The controller is equipped with an anti-legionella function,
intended to limit the growth of
bacteria of the genus legionella pneumophila in domestic hot water
Legionella bacteria develop in aqueous environments, and the optimum temperature for
their growth is from 38-42 C. These bacteria also contribute to blockages in hot water
systems, hot water heaters and tanks. Legionella bacteria cause a non-specific variant of
pneumonia known as Legionnaires' disease, or legionellosis. Legionellosis has been officially
recognised by the Ministry of Health as an infectious disease.
The anti-legionella function performed by the GH07EB controller creates unfavourable
living conditions for legionella bacteria, in the domestic hot water tank.
To enable, set the value „
” in parameter
When this function is enabled, and for the duration of its operation, a flashing letter ‘L’ will
appear on the left side of the display, before the temperature display.
If when setting a new parameter, one of the buttons
, is not pressed within 30 seconds, the new temperature will
not be saved and the controller will return to the programmed