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same sound system in a concert or other dual console situation.
60. GRP (1-4)
Mixes in the post-fader, post-mute group mix. The rotary pr6dB boost.
61. L / R
Mixes in the post-fader, post-mute main LR mix. The rotary pr6dB boost. Turn up both L and R to
create a mono sum from the stereo LR mix. Turn up L in one matrix, R in another to create a stereo output
from two matrices.
The master level control for the matrix. Pr6dB boost above the normal “0” setting.
63. MUTE
When pressed, the matrix output is turned off. The red LED indicator lights when the matrix is muted. Mute
does not affect the matrix AFL monitoring.
64. AFL
Press AFL to listen to the post-level matrix mix in the headphones or local monitors without affecting the
main outputs. The console monitor meters are interrupted with the matrix signal. The yellow LED indicator
lights to show that AFL has been selected on that matrix master. Note that MUTE does not affect the AFL
function. This means that you can check the matrix signal while its output is muted.