© GECKO MUSIC GROUP. All Rights Reserved.
These AUX SENDS work as described for the mono channel, but the L and R
sides of the stereo signal sum together to feed each aux in mono. This can be
changed using AUX SENDS MODE button (pressed in), so that L feeds the odd
numbered auxes (AUX 1, AUX 3, AUX 5) and R feeds the even (AUX 2, AUX 4,
AUX 6).
37. POST / PRE
When pressed, the pre-fade channel signal is sent to the associated auxes.
When released, the post-fade signal is sent. AUX (1-4) and AUX (5-6), are
grouped for pre/post switching.
38. BAL
Balances the level of the L signal against the R signal to compensate for
differences in the source, or to position the signal within the stereo image.
39. MUTE
When pressed, all the channel pre and post-fade signals are turned off except
the MIC OUT and any stereo routed direct to MAIN L+R.
40. PFL
Press PFL to listen to the pre-fade channel signal in the headphones and local
monitors (MONITOR OUTPUT) without affecting the main outputs. The console
PFL/AFL active yellow LED indicator lights and the LEFT RIGHT VU meters
display the channel signal. Selecting more than one PFL at the same time mixes
those signals together in the monitor.
A 4-LED channel meter displays the pre-fader signal level. “-20” green LED
lights when a signal level of -20dBu is detected. “0” green LED lights when the
nominal 0dBu level is reached, and “+6” yellow LED lights at +6dBu. “PK!” red
LED lights when the channel pre-fade signal is within 6dB of clipping (level
detected at +24dBu onwards). This gives you enough warning to reduce GAIN
before you hear signal distortion. For stereo channel, the left and right signals
are summed to display in mono.
As the mono channel, but routes the left signal to MAIN L and odd groups, right
signal to MAIN R and even groups, and sums MAIN L and MAIN R to feed the
M mix in mono.
A high quality 100mm smooth travel VCA fader with protective dust cover
controls the channel level feeding the main mix, groups and post-fade aux
sends. It also affects the direct output if this has been set to post-fade. The
fader pr10dB maximum boost above its normal unity gain 0dB position.