Release the 2" heater nuts from
both ends of the spa piping.
Release the in.xe™ Spa Pack
by sliding the unit away from
the guide plate that holds the
backside of the unit's feet
in place.
Remove the defective in.xe™
spa pack unit from the spa.
Once that is done, remove the
old in.xe™ keypad from the spa.
Note: the procedure on keypad
replacement shown here is for
educational purposes only.
Is not always necessary to
replace the keypad, unless
it may be the cause of the
malfunctioning of the in.xe™
system. Common sense should
When removing the old in.xe™
keypad, make sure to note
the exact model, available
options etc. Ideally, the new
replacement keypad should be
of the exact same model as the
old one.
If it's not, contact our Technical
Support Department for
keypad compatibility list.
Remove the 2 screws that
hold the front of the unit's feet
attached to the spa floor.
Note: the in.xe™ can be also
wall-mounted. For more details
on wall installation procedure
refer to the wall installation
section of the in.xe™ techbook.
step by step field replacement procedure