Filter Config
Purge only = 0
With Circ. Pump = 1
With Pump #1, Low speed = 2
Filter cycle configuration
Temp. Units
°F = 0
°C = 1
Temperature units used on display
Time Format
No time display = 0
AM/PM format = 1
24H format = 2
Clock display format
Pump #1
High current
1 to 20 amperes (10)
Pump #1 High speed current
Pump #1
Low current
1 to 15 amperes (4)
Pump #1 Low speed current
Pump #2
High current
1 to 15 amperes (10)
Pump #1 Low speed current
Pump #2
Low current
1 to 15 amperes (4)
Pump #2 Low speed current
Blower current
1 to 10 amperes (5)
Blower current
Circ. Pump current
1 to 5 amperes (2)
Circulation Pump current
Direct current
0 to 5 amperes (1)
Direct accessory output current
Heater current
4 to 17 (17)
Heater current
Minimum input
10 to 20
Minimum input current
(Calibre du disjoncteur)
Input current
15 to 48 (on UL/CSA packs) (48)
15 to 32 (on CE packs) (32)
Available household supply current
programming the in.xe™
Table 1
*Available only on certain models.