Domestic hot water pipe
Pipe to transfer the domestic hot water to the points of consumption in the building.
Domestic hot water temperature sensor
The substation models with electronic hot water controller are equipped with domestic hot water
temperature sensor. The domestic hot water temperature sensor is the part in the control or measurement
equipment for measuring the temperature. The temperature sensor is located on the surface of the pipe and
produces the measurement values for the domestic hot water controller.
G-Power 2/100, 2/150, 2/200 and 3/100 TE1A
Cold water pipe
Pipe to transfer the domestic cold water to the domestic hot water heat exchanger for heating.
Cold water supply valve
A valve group that includes a safety valve, pressure gauge, shut-off valve and non-return valve. Can be
used for stopping the domestic hot water.
The pressure gauge can be used for checking the cold-water network pressure. The safety valve opening
pressure is 10 bar.
Domestic hot water circulation
Pipe to transfer the domestic hot water from the utilisation points back to the heat exchanger. The pipe
ensures that hot water is available from the utilisation points after a certain waiting period. Domestic hot
water circulation decreases water consumption.
To avoid the possible noise problems, sharp corners in piping should be avoided. In case sound problems
occur, also check the flow meter set point.
Domestic hot water, circulation pump
Domestic hot water circulation pump circulates the water in the domestic hot water circuit. Speed 1 is
recommended for the circulation pump in case the circulation pipe is less than 5 meters long. In case there
are heat consuming elements for domestic hot water or the circulation pipe is more than 5 meters long, the
AUTOADAPT -mode is recommended.
The circulation pump must not be stopped, because it will cause the domestic water control not to work.
Circulation pump is of wet motor structure. The pump must be stopped in case there is no pressure in the
See the enclosed circulation pump instructions.
Flow meter
Meter for controlling the water flow in domestic hot water circulation. Flow meter flow is to be set 30% of
the design flow at the minimum.
Flow meter is adjusted by turning the adjustment screw to desired set point. Flow is read from the bottom
of the disc.