GeBe GPT-435 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 21

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Ge BE E + F Gm bH  • ww w .oe m- pri nte r .co m • Ge BE Do k.N r .: SM AN -E- 413 -V4 .0 Eas y-L oad ing  The rm al Pri nte r  GPT -43 52( -60 ) 

Er r or  D et ec tio n 

15  Er r or  D et ec tio n 

Not every err or means that ther e is a printer err or that cannot be clear ed by the user .              
Users will save time and money by r ecognizing and clearing simple err ors on their own. 

The followin g tips are meant to help with this : 

Har dwar e RESET : 

 T rigger ed by holding down the OFF/NEXT key for mor e than 3 seconds. 

This causes the printer to be set to the parameters in the batch file TINIT -F or TINIT -E. Test printout:  Is trigger ed 

by holding down the FEED feed key for mor e than 3 seconds after r eactivation fr om power OFF ( switching of f 

with the OFF/NEXT key). 

Hexdump mode: 

 Is trigger ed by holding down the FEED key for mor e than 3 seconds after r eactivation fr om po- 

wer OFF , if no paper is inserted. After the paper has been inserted, the printer prints the data it r ecieves as hex 

numbers with the appr opriate ASCII code without interpr eting the data. This shows, which information the printer 

"r eads" fr om the r ecieving data. In or der to leave the HEXdump mode, the FEED key has to be held down for at 

least 3 seconds, while ther e is no paper inserted. After it leaves the HEXdump mode, the printer will pr ocess TINIT 

for a r einitialization. 

Sym pto m 

Pos sib le Cau se 

Rem edy 

Pow er Sup ply 
The  prin ter see ms to be prin - 
ting . Pap er is tran spo rted , but 
is not  blac ken ed. 

Pap er: W r ong  side  tow ar d prin t hea d. Onl y 
one  side  of the pap er can  be prin ted on. 

Inse rt pap er corr ectl y . The  ther mos ens itive  side  sho uld be tur - 
ned  to the outs ide of the r oll (mo st of the time ). T ry the fing er 
nail  test : Dra g  the tip of a fing er nail  acr oss  the pap er , pr ess ing 
dow n. The  frict ion hea t cau ses  the ther mos ens itive  side  to bla- 
cke n. 

Prin ter can  not  be r eac tiva ted 
by pr ess ing  the FEE D key . 

At the beg inni ng of prin ting , the 
LED  goe s out  just  brie fly 
The  prin ter only  prin ts a few 
dot s in one   line . 
The  pap er feed  wor ks, but  the 
self  test  doe s not . 

No pow er . 

Rec har gea ble bat tery : 

 not  cha r ged . 

Bat teri es: 

 not  inse rted  orar e emp ty 

The  pow er sup ply is not opt ima l. 

Rec har gea ble bat tery : 

 not  cha r ged . 

Bat teri es: 

 emp ty , bad  qua lity , 

no batt erie s inse rted . 

Ext er nal pow er sup ply: 

 Cr oss -sec tion  of 

pow er feed ing line s to sma ll, Cur r ent outp ut 
of the pow er sup ply too  low . 

Che ck pow er sup ply . 
Rec har ge batt ery . The  gr een  LED  sho uld ligh t up no late r than 
afte r 1 min ute. 

Bat teri es 

: Dif fer ent qua litie s ar e ava ilab le. Onl y use  batt erie s 

that  ar e able  to sup ply high  curr ents , and  that  hav e a high 
ene r gy cap acit y . 

Ext er nal pow er sup ply: 

 Use  pow er sup ply with  suf ficie nt di- 

men sion  and  sho rt feed  line s. Che ck all con nec tion s for pos - 
sibl e tran sfer  r esis tanc es. Sinc e high  pea k curr ents  occ ur with 
ther mal  prin ters , eve n the sma llest  tran sfer  r esis tanc es can  r e- 
sult  in into lera ble volt age  dr ops . In this  cas e, no pow er sup ply 
wou ld be str ong  eno ugh . 

The  prin ter only  prin ts a few 
cha ract ers in one   line . If mor e 
is ente r ed, it stop s prin ting 
com plet ely . 
The  prin ter load ed ove r nigh t 
how eve r it prin ts only  few  or 

Ser ial Inte rfac e 
Afte r a few  cha ract ers,  the prin - 
tout  star ts to be inco mpl ete.  

The  rech arge able  batt ery is use d up or was 
not corr ectl y load ed. Eac h ove r-di sch argi ng 
dam age s the batt ery stro ngly  and  lead s to a 
loss  of cap acit y. 

Full y disc harg ed batt erie s can  dist urb  the cha rgin g in suc h a 
way  that  it brea kes  in at less  than  30 min utes  and  swit che s to 
pres erva tion  cha rge.   In this  cas e plea se star t to cha rge aga in 
by repu tting . Plea se alwa ys swit ch off the  prin ters   if  they 
leng then  are not use d and  plea se load  them  eve ry 3 mon ths. 

The  prin ter buf fer is "ove r -run " (256  byte s), 
cau sing  a loss  of data . The  prin t data  tran s- 
mitt er sho ws no r eac tion  to han dsh ake . 

Use  or che ck han dsh ake . (sof twa r e: Xon / Xof f or har dwa r e: 
CTS ). If nec ess ary:   slow  dow n tran smi ssio n spe ed, e.g.  dow n 
to 1,20 0 bau d.    

The  prin ter prin ts the wr ong 
cha ract ers. 

Inte rfac e pr oble m. The  tran smi ssio n is faul ty . 
(Ch arac ters  of the upp er ar ea ar e prin ted. ). 
W r ong  data  form at was  set.  ( "?" is prin ted 
r epe ated ly .) 

Use  corr ect inte rfac e leve l (RS 232 , TTL ). 
Is the tran smi ssio n cab le too  long ? 
Sele ct the corr ect bau d rate  thr oug h the men u. Che ck data 
form at. 

Ext er nal pow er sup ply: 

 Bad  gr oun d con - 

nec tion  that  cau ses  a part  of the prin ting  cur - 
r ent to flow  thr oug h the inte rfac e cab le. This 
lead s to an incr eas e in pot enti al ther e, whi ch 
cau ses  data  corr upt ion. 
Hos t sen ds a br eak  sign al afte r prin t job 
(onl y "?" ar e prin ted) . 

Che ck and  imp r ove  gr oun d con nec tion . Fee d curr ent thr oug h 
sho rt, thic k line s. 

T ur n of f "fra min g err or ". 

IrD A 
The  prin t spe ed is extr eme ly 
slow  with  high  bau d rate  set- 
ting s. 
Blu eto oth ® 
The  prin ter can not  be foun d in 
the BT netw ork. 

The  hos t igno r es the "tur n-ar oun d time " set 
by the prin ter . 

Hos t sen ds a br eak  sign al afte r prin t job (onl y "?" ar e prin ted) . 

Pos sibl e und ervo ltag e at the BT tran smi tter 
or the prin ter 

Res tart  tran smi tter . 

T ur n of f prin ter and  wai t for app . 5 sec ond s. Swi tch prin ter on 

and  wait  for app . 10 sec ond s. The n sea r ch aga in. 

The  prin tout  stop s afte r a sho rt 
time  or is con stan tly r epe ated . 

W r ong  CO M por t sett ings 

Set  virtu al COM  por t acc or ding  to inst alla tion  inst ruct ions . 

Содержание GPT-435

Страница 1: ...einwerktechnik GmbH All other brands named in this brochure are properties of the respective companies Errors and changes reserved The technical data given are non committal information and do not rep...

Страница 2: ...232 V 24 at connector J2 8 7 1 2 Timing der seriellen RS232 TTL Schnittstelle 8 7 2 Parallel Interface 9 7 2 1 Centronics Adapter 9 7 2 2 PIN seizure at the SUB D 25 of the adapter 9 7 2 3 Timing of t...

Страница 3: ...ginal accessories are listed in the chapter Parts and Accessories It is no longer possible to safely operate the device if the housing has been damaged moisture reached the inside of the device smoke...

Страница 4: ...X X X X X X Rew inde r con trol Z Z e i l e 2 4 3 2 4 2 5 4 X Far be Ant hraz it RAL 701 6 X X X X X X X X X X GPT 4352 GPT 4352 60 SET1 GPT 4352 60 LV 82 24 LC at GKA 406 RS232 interface cabel 500 m...

Страница 5: ...s the outer wall of the paper storage was left smooth below the bearing collar The housing can project about 19 mm from the casing edge since about half of the paper storage can be used right up to th...

Страница 6: ...ersion V1 4c the standard version does not support the power off mode The controller comes with different levels of power saving modes power down modes idle mode 8 mA typical sleep mode 20 A typical p...

Страница 7: ...bled 1B 5D 00 00 Activate the transmitter of the serial interface 6 3 Solder Bridges Sleep Mode Baud Rate Text Data Mode Adapter SELECT There are four 0 Ohm bridges and two jumpers on the controller b...

Страница 8: ...t 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Bit 1 Character 1Start 8 Data 1 Parity 1 Stop 1 Mark 0 Space Attention the standard configuration has no paritybit Attention the standard configuration has 1 stopbit Signal Level on...

Страница 9: ...Accepting data DB0 7 with rising edge 3 4 5 6 DB1 DB2 I I DB3 DB4 I I 7 8 9 10 DB5 DB6 I I DB7 Acknowledge I O 11 12 13 14 BUSY Paper End O O Select Auto Line Feed O I Becomes high with the falling e...

Страница 10: ...tus is sent back to the host The implementation is easy to realize The protocol is disclosed IrDA Protocol The printer works with the protocol service IrLPT Here the printer doesn t send back A bidire...

Страница 11: ...mode the printer will go to sleep after the preset sleep time USB Driver Windows 98 ME NT 2000 XP Windows and USB drivers can be found on the GeBE website Please read the included installation instru...

Страница 12: ...on it will take a minimum of 10 seconds for the printer to become ready to recieve data The printer does not ask the master for any authenticati on Should your transmitter require a PIN number type i...

Страница 13: the paper storage so the outside shows toward the printer mechanism Only this outside can be printed on 4 Close the cover by applying strong pressure You can hear it snap shut Now you can rip off p...

Страница 14: ...set will be printed out For OEM special printouts can be activated during this operation self test OFF NEXT Taste 3 By holding down the OFF NEXT key for more than 3 se conds during operation the proc...

Страница 15: ...d saving settings Menu Guide Example Bold printout of the menu Normal possible settings Italic comment Welcome to the OPD menu 1 0 5 Setup timeout after 10 minutes Actual printer settings Ubat 52V Tba...

Страница 16: ...clock connected 17 03 03 17 33 Change date time Press ENTER to change Press NEXT to skip Press NEXT ENTER to save and exit RTC SETUP Press ENTER to modify Press NEXT to store and continue Press NEXT...

Страница 17: ...ware software and watchdog resets Buffer empty Buffer full Synchronous feedback Battery char ging X ON X OFF all characters Formatting Fast charge Trickle charge Errors l L L f start F error end Buffe...

Страница 18: ...chieved For comparison Uncompressed full graphics of 5 cm length take up 20 KB while they only require app 5 7KB when compressed Configuration of the Printer with TMenu and TINIT After a hardware RESE...

Страница 19: ...10011 1 010100 0 010101 12 13 2 3 14 15 4 5 0 010110 1 010111 1 011000 0 011001 16 17 6 7 18 19 8 9 0 110010 1 110011 32 33 0 110100 1 110101 34 35 R S T U 1 110110 0 110111 36 37 1 111010 0 111011 38...

Страница 20: ...FontNo Dots horiz vert characters line 1 2 16 24 24 9 22 42 3 4 7 16 54 12 24 32 14 2 Optional Character Sets The following character sets are available at this time and can be programmed into the FLA...

Страница 21: are able to supply high currents and that have a high energy capacity External power supply Use power supply with sufficient di mension and short feed lines Check all connections for pos sible tran...

Страница 22: ...n 800 mAh GNA 3 6 0 8 Li Ion on request 16 2 5 Cables power supply ST 7pins 250 mm open end GKA 410 Art 11353 RS232 ST 5 pins 1000 mm to PC ST SUB D 9 pin socket GKA 406 Art 11352 TTL ST 5pins 500 mm...

Страница 23: ...12V 1 2A AC Bluetooth transmit ter RS I IrDA receiver CE CE EN 55024 55022 61000 60950 50081 1 2 IEC 60950 ETS 300 328 2 ETS 301 489 1 and 17 FCC Rules Part 15 RSS 210 Complies with EN 60825 IEC 825 1...

Страница 24: ...e handshake and XON XOFF Serial through TTL opto isolated RS232 TTY RS422 and RS485 through TTL adap ter parallel through SPI Centronics adap ter USB and RS232 through adapter Data compression Charact...
