Ge BE E + F Gm bH • ww w .oe m- pri nte r .co m • Ge BE Do k.N r .: SM AN -E- 413 -V4 .0 Eas y-L oad ing The rm al Pri nte r GPT -43 52( -60 )
In te rf ac es • In fr ar ed In te rf ac es
1 0
7.3 Infrar ed Interfaces
The following pr otocols can be used:
• IrDA:
IR LPT (printer service)
IR COMM 9 wir e (optional)
Also see:
www .ir da.or g
• G e B E - I R :
Simple, err or -pr oof, bidir ectional,
dot to dot IR-pr otocol.
GeBE-Doc.No. MAN-D-394
• HP-IR:
Unidir ectional IR transmission
GeBE-Doc.No. MAN-D-416
All standard versions of the printer have the hardware
for an IR transmitter/receiver installed, so the protocols
GeBE-IR and IrDA are available for all standard printers
of the series GPT-4352.
The inter nal IR tranceiver is installed dir ectly below the
r ed foil window (10). The GPT -4352 has an LED next to
the transceiver that signals any IR communication. It is
important to consider that infrared transmissions only
work "at sight". The radiation angle is about +/-15 de-
grees. The transfer distance, which also strongly de-
pends on the efficiency of the opposite side, is about
1.0 meter. It can be expanded to < 3 meters by in-
stalling a booster-IR LED.
Use of the Sleep Mode
In the setting "IrDA "or "GeBE IR", the IR r eceiver will
even be active in the sleep mode, so the device will not
have to be switched on explicitly for printing. The po-
wer consumption of the printer is only about 25µA in
this mode. However , the printer should still be tur ned
of f during long periods of inactivity .
GeBE -IR Pr otocol
The GeBE-Ir pr otocol is a simple, err or pr otected infra-
r ed pr otocol. The data transmission is pr ocessed in
CRC pr otected blocks.
With each transmission confirmation, the printer status
is sent back to the host.
The implementation is easy to r ealize. The pr otocol is
IrDA Pr otocol
The printer works with the pr otocol service IrLPT . Her e
the printer doesn't send back.
A bidir ectional Service "IrCOMM 9 wir e" ist available on
r equest.
In the menu setting, the selected baud rate r epr esents
the maximum baud rate. If 57,600 baud is selected, for
example, the printer will start to communicate with 9,600
baud and then switch up to 57,600 or 38,400 baud, de-
pending on the transmitter .
The maximum baud rate of 115,200 should only be r e-
duced, if transmission pr oblems occur .
When an infrar ed transmission is interrupted, the printer
will look for the transmitting master device for about 20
seconds in or der to complete the transmission. After
that, the stack is r eset, and new inquiries ar e answer ed.
Driver for IrDA
Windows 98 / ME / NT / 2000 / XP
Driver for Windows ar e available on our W ebsites.
Driver for these systems ar e available at:
www .Bachmannsoftwar
www .fieldsoftwar
For pocket PCs Bachmann of fers an application (Print-
boy) for printing p.e. out of Pocket W or d.
IrComm Service s
Uncook ed Service s
Cooked Service s
3-wire Raw
Centron ics
IEEE 1284
3 - wire
9 - wire
IrDA Dat a Spe cific atio n
Rad iatio n out put
Min . inpu t rad iatio n inte nsit y
Max . inpu t rad iatio n inte nsit y
Pea k wav e leng th
Pea k wav e leng th boo ster LED
Com plie s: IrDA V1. 0 Sta nda r d Pow er SIR
mi n
ma x
50 0
mW /sr
On- axi s
W/c m2
mW /cm 2
v<(± 15° )
v<(± 15° )
opt iona l
Saf ety
Inte rfac e par ame ters
Inte rfac e par ame ters
Com plie s with IEC 825 -1 clas s 1 (EN 608 25) eye safe ty spe cific atio ns
IrDA : auto mat ic sett ing in acc or dan ce with IrDA ; 9,60 0, 38,4 00, 57,6 00, or
115 ,20 0 Bau d
GeB E IR-P r otoc ol: 9,60 0; 38,4 00; 57,6 00; or 115 ,200 bau d,
8 data bits , non pari ty , 1 stop bit