2 Command Structure
K0472 Revision A
If a command requires more than one parameter, separate adjacent parameters by using a
comma. A comma does not affect the tree pointer.
:SYSTEM:TIME 10,25,30
To execute a command the full path to the command must be specified:
(e.g.) :OUTPut:STATe ON
This turns the pressure controller on.
There must be a space between the command words and the parameter. In the above
example there is a space between :STATe and ON.
SCPI commands are not case sensitive and may have a short form.
(e.g.) :OUTP is the short form of OUTPUT.
Some nodes can be the default node and these key words are optional when programming
the command. The instrument processes the command, with the same effect, with or
without the option node. In this manual [] enclose [default notes].
(e.g.) :SOURce[:PRESsure:][:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPlitude] 5.0
can be sent as
:SOURce:PRESsure:LEVel 5.0
:SOURce 5.0
This sets the set-point to 5.0