ZFC1 Trim Kit
Side by Side Installation
For the ultimate in convenience, install a refrigerator
and freezer side by side.
This trim kit includes 6 foam spacer pads to fill the gap
between the side case trims. For a finished appearance,
a trim strip is provided to conceal the side case trim of
the two products.
If you are installing into an enclosure, provide a 72" wide
opening. If you are installing where the sides will be
exposed, allow additional width for any side panels
• Apply foam spacer pads evenly to the side of one
product as shown.
• Slide second product into position.
• Check to be sure both products are level. If they are
not level, an obvious gap can be seen between the
side trims. Adjust leveling legs if needed. Slight gaps
will be concealed with the trim strip.
• Open both doors to access side trim.
• The U-shape trim will overlap the side case trim of
both product.
• Set the top case trim (see page 13) to installation
• Hold U-shaped trim strip up against case trim as
shown. Mark length with pencil at the point where
U-shaped trim overhangs case trim at bottom.
• Mark length with a pencil.
• Trim excess length.
• Starting at the top, press U-shaped trim strip over
case trims of both products.
• Continue pressing trim until you reach the bottom of
the strip.
Case Trim