05-4161A01, Rev. C
P21/P22/P23 Protected Network Station
Frequency Not Calibrated
—This selection is used to enable or dis-
able redundancy switchover if a frequency calibration error
occurs. If this error occurs, the radio will require factory service.
enabled, disabled; disabled
Power Not Calibrated
—This selection is used to enable or disable
redundancy switchover if an RF power calibration error occurs.
If an error occurs, the radio will require factory service.
enabled, disabled; disabled
Invisible place holder
Figure 29. Redundancy Configuration Options Menu
Lack of Associated Remotes Exceeded Threshold
—This selection
brings up another screen (Figure 30) where you can specify the
duration of time that a redundant AP waits before considering
itself to be malfunctioning. (A system must have at least one
associated remote to be functional.)
Packet Receive Errors Exceeded Threshold
—This selection brings
up another screen (Figure 31) where you can specify the number
of packet errors that must be exceeded in a given time frame
before a redundant AP considers itself to be malfunctioning.
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