4400-0024 enFlow Operator’s Manual EN Rev. T 05/12
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IEC 529 IP21 ≥ 12.5 diameter Testing
Rain- Operational
1. Place an enFlow Power Supply /Controller in the rain chamber.
2. Connect the enFlow IV Fluid Warmer and the extended power cable to the power supply.
3. Turn “on” the power supply.
4. Expose to 1” of rain per minute in its left IV pole orientation for 10 minutes.
5. Rotate the power supply 180 degrees to its right IV pole orientation.
6. Expose to 1” of rain per minute for 10 minutes.
7. Use the camera to record what happens while power supply is running in the rain chamber.
8. Turn “off” and remove from the rain chamber.
9. Unplug the power supply and wipe excess water away from the outside.
10. Perform validation test to confirm proper operation. Record serial numbers of test items. (TPTR_083)
11. Using a screwdriver, open the power supply. Note any moisture inside the power supply or use a camera to record its
location inside the supply.
Notes: The EDUT was placed in the Singleton Model 22 Rain Chamber.
• Opened up unit to it let dry out. The battery was also replaced. Unit is now functioning
properly. See Retest below.
Notes: Mute button and Orientation tested at end of 3 rotations to minimize water getting inside
the unit.
• Test ended at 10:56AM. Exterior of unit was dried off and then unit was tested.
• Voltage reading started out at 17.03V and started to climb. All features functioned at 20V.
Voltage stabilized at 28.06V at 11:10AM.