Security Pro 500
Motion Sensors
Motion Sensors in hallways or rooms detect a person moving across the field of detection.
Environmental Sensors
Environmental sensors
such as gas, smoke, and heat detectors remain alert for the presence of
fire or carbon monoxide 24 hours a day.
with the Panel
Your system can be set up to communicate with you through:
Status beeps
Alarm sirens
Touchpad text
Pager information
Instructing the Panel
Not just anyone can walk up to a touchpad and operate your security system. Before the system
will process most commands, users are required to enter a pre-programmed 4-digit access code.
See “Access Codes” for detailed information.
Keychain touchpads that are enrolled as part of the system do not require an access code, but are
usually kept in an individual’s pocket or purse.
If you would rather use an actual key to arm and disarm the system, your security dealer can
install a special key
keyswitch in your home.
How Your System Communicates with You
Touchpads and interior sirens produce a variety of operating beeps to inform you of different sys-
tem states and operations. The fixed display touchpad also uses indicator lights.
Key Beeps
A Key beep is the tone you hear when you press a button on a touchpad. The sound confirms that
the button was pressed adequately. Key beeps can be turned on or off by the installer.
Status Beeps
Status beeps from touchpads or sirens sound when there is a change in the current status of the
system. Status beeps are not alarms, but they do warrant your attention.
There is more than one type of Status beep:
Exit Delay beeps indicate that an arming command has been entered and the countdown to
arming has begun.
Entry Delay beeps indicate that you’ve entered the building and the countdown to an alarm
has begun. (So disarm the system as soon as you get in!)
Trouble beeps tell you that there is a problem with the system or one of its components.
Chime feature beeps tell you that a door was opened.
A s e n s o r i s a c t i v a t e d .
T h e s e n s o r a l e r t s t h e
p a n e l i m m e d i a t e l y .
T h e p a n e l a c t i v a t e s s i r e n s . I f t h e
s y s t e m i s m o n i t o r e d , t h e p a n e l
c a l l s t h e c e n t r a l m o n i t o r i n g s t a t i o n .
T h e c e n t r a l m o n i t o r i n g s t a t i o n
o p e r a t o r r e p o r t s t h e a l a r m t o
t h e p o l i c e o r f i r e d e p a r t m e n t .
T h i s d e c i s i o n i s b a s e d o n s y s t e m
p r o g r a m m i n g a n d t h e c u r r e n t
a r m i n g l e v e l .