1.1. About This Manual
This user manual provides instructions on how to use and manage the GDC
Digital Cinema Server SX-2000A Series with Integrated Media Block
2001A Series. The user interface of the server consists of a few key components
described in the diagram below
[Figure 1]
. The manual has sections on each of
these components describing how it can be used to operate the server.
Control Panel
The Control Panel UI enables
access to all the other menus
used to configure and operate the
Main interface used for
playback control and to create
and schedule playlists.
Content Manager
Used to download content
from a disk or source on
the network, delete content
from the server, verify the file
integrity of the content, and to
download KDM
‟s required for
content playback.
Admin Panel
an array of easy to access
menu pages that
simplify the configuration and
maintenance of the server.
Figure 1
Server UI components.