Original Instructions
in compliance with § 1.7.4 of the Machinery Directive
G.B.C. Industrial Tools S.p.A.
Via Sandro Pertini 41/43
25046 Cazzago San Martino (Bs)
Tel. + 39 030 7451154
Fax. + 39 030 73 56 629
G.B.C. Industrial Tools S.p.A. designs and assembles its machines in strict compliance with
the safety regulations provided by the applicable EC directives and by the Italian laws regulat-
ing this matter.
G.B.C. Industrial Tools S.p.A. declines any responsibility for misuse of its machines and their
use when in contrast with the regulation listed hereinafter and with the use and maintenance
instructions hereto.
Carefully read ALL the following regulations and the instructions herewith attached
before starting any operation.
Carefully ensure that the operator and the foreman using the machine are fully aware of
all the regulations and all the instructions and that they are qualified to operate the unit.
Strictly attain to the indications given by the international symbols applies on the ma-
chine and/or on its case.
Do not perform any maintenance operation when the machine is plugged to the power
Before every use, ensure the power supply connections to be conform to the specs given
by our manual.
The authorized operator in any case will not have to disregard the basic safety rules such as:
Using gloves and goggles (safety gear supplied by the company responsible for the
site or for the building)
To properly illuminate the working area
Ensure you are operating in an area which grants free movements (at least 1,5 metres
around the operator)
Do not replace the control system and do not replace parts with non original spare
parts, and do not project violent water squirts on the machine
Keep the hands away from hot and sharpened parts.
G.B.C. Industrial Tools S.p.A. remarks that for any non specified circumstances it is
necessary to obtain the authorization of the manufacturer.