Original Instructions
in compliance with § 1.7.4 of the Machinery Directive
G.B.C. Industrial Tools S.p.A.
Via Sandro Pertini 41/43
25046 Cazzago San Martino (Bs)
Tel. + 39 030 7451154
Fax. + 39 030 73 56 629
G.B.C. Industrial Tools S.p.a. guarantees the reliability of the machine and its conformity to the specifi-
cations herewith reported. The warranty covers the machine in its whole for a time period of one year
from the shipment date (ref. Delivery Note) for any flaw not imput-able to the user.
The parts subject to wear are excluded from the warranty at sole discretion of G.B.C. Indus-trial Tools
In case of any operational malfunction arising during the warranty period, G.B.C. Industrial Tools
And its Maintenance Service, hereinafter called MSS, will remedy this inconvenient free of charge ,
both for handwork and for eventual replaced parts, except when the malfunction is directly or indirectly
imputable to misuse or alteration. In any case the machine must not be disassembled or altered before
the shipment. The warranty is valid only when the warranty document is duly signed by G.B.C. Indus-
trial Tools S.p.a. and by a G.B.C. official distributor connected with the MSS maintenance service.
The shipment of the defective material must be performed within 8 (eight) days from the notification of
the defect and/or the claim and/or the request of technical assistance. On the contrary the warranty will
be void. G.B.C. Industrial Tools S.p.A. and MSS obligations will cover the defect resolution, the gen-
eral maintenance and the inspection of the parts subject of the claim only. The component replacement
is at G.B.C. Industrial Tools S.p.A. discretion only. The shipmen to costs from and to the MSS as well
as the direct and indirect costs rising from repair of the prod-
uct are at user’s charge. Any warranty re-
pair or extraordinary repair must be executed by G.B.C. Industrial Tools S.p.A. and MSS, otherwise the
warranty will be void.
Any ordinary maintenance performed by the customer/user or by any service centre non recognized or
approved by G.B.C. Industrial Tools S.p.A. will not be refunded and will make the warranty void. The
warranty is not valid for cases not listed in this certificate or for damage caused by a misuse of materi-
als, power supply, negligence, unauthorized modifications, atmospheric events, acts of vandalism, in-
cautious handling and/or transport, use of non original G.B.C. Industrial Tools S.p.A. parts and damage
for causes not specified by G.B.C. Industrial Tools S.p.A. and for which G.B.C. Industrial Tools S.p.A.
declines any responsibility. G.B.C. Indus-trial Tools S.p.A. reserves the right to modify and to improve
its products without any obligation to modify equipment and components already supplied. Nobody is
authorized to modify the conditions herewith contained or to issue any on behalf of G.B.C. Industrial
Tools S.p.A. The claim terms for defects and/or damages in the material or of the ordered quantities,
are those pre-scribed by the Civil Code; the goods acceptance entails the buyer to automatically accept
the above mentioned warranty clauses.