Restore to factory
If you want to make all parameter
setting back to default factory data.
Once received “OK”, it means
restore success.
Check GPS location
After sending this command to
device successfully , it will reply a
location Google Map Link, you can
check where the car is by clicking
Link .
If device does not search any
information of location , it will reply
‘No data ‘
Cut off engine
close oil,*123456* cut off engine
restore oil,*123456* cancel cut off
After the command is carried out, it
will reply “Cut off the fuel supply:
Success! Speed:0 Km/h”
To ensure the safety of the driver and
the car, this command is valid only
under two conditions: the GPS is
located; the speed is less than
you should set specific number
first, Only specific number can
send the command to the device to
cut off and restore engine.
Voice monitoring
After set successfully
device will
call the monitor cell phone, it will
enter voice monitoring status .
Note: To realize this function, please
set specify numbers beforehand.
The SIM card put into the device
should be equipped with caller