3D Wheel Aligner User Manual
Figure 4. 8
[License No.]: License No. of the tested vehicle.
[Client Name]: The related information of the vehicle owner. Client Information could
be inputted directly with keyboard at this page.
[Vehicle info.]: The related information of the current vehicle, including mileage,
manufacturer, model, start year, end year. Vehicle information can not input with
keyboard at this page, if a vehicle model is selected beforehand, the corresponding
vehicle information will be displayed.
[Fault Cause]: Fault of the tested vehicle. Including: tire worn, pull to one side,
steering wheel not center, steering wheel shaking, or other cause.
[View all]: can check all tested data of the vehicle.
[Save]: To save the measurement result, license No. shall be inputted.
The print function on this page is only applicable for the most recent
measurement, while for historical report print, has to access [report print]
from the main interface.
[Return]: Return to main interface.
4. 2. 2 System Settings
Click [System settings] at main interface to enter system management page. The
screen is as follows:
Figure 4. 9