3. Wash the drip tray, float, and cup tray in warm dishwater using a soft cloth.
Wipe dry.
4. Put the float of the filling indicator onto the post in the drip tray.
Ensure to insert the cup tray in correct orientation. Turn the wide
holes to the left rear side of the drip tray. Otherwise, the filling indicator gets
blocked. If the cup tray does not lie stably, turn the float by 90° to make it slip
down. Then try again.
5. Replace the cup tray. To ensure correct functioning of the filling indicator, check
whether the filling indicator can move freely up and down without sticking under
the cup tray. If required, turn the cup tray accordingly.
6. Re-place the drip tray by carefully pushing the drip tray into the base of the appliance.
Do not use abrasive cleaners, pads, or hard cloths, which could
scratch the surfaces.
The exterior of the appliance, power cord, and warming tray can be cleaned via a
soft, damp cloth. Polish with a soft, dry cloth.
To ensure optimum performance and for protection against damage the appliance
must be descaled regularly (every 2-6 weeks). The required frequency of descaling
depends on the water hardness of the water used and the frequency of usage of
the machine. Information on the water hardness may be given by your local water
works or the bottling plant. For descaling strictly adhere to the instructions given in
this section.
– Only use the Gastroback Descaler to avoid damage to your
health and/or damage to the machine due to harmful chemicals. There is no lia-
bility claim of the purchaser for any damage caused by excessive lime deposits
within the machine or by the usage of unsuited descaling solutions.
– During the descaling process hot water could drip from the
group head and steam wand. After descaling, always empty and rinse the drip
tray (see: ‘Cleaning the Drip Tray’). Always ensure good ventilation during desca-
Do not aspire the vapours of any type of descaling solution to avoid inju-
ries to your aspiration tract.