User Manual
Version 1.0/2019
Copyright © 2019 by Xicoy Electrònica S.L. All rights reserved
short gap will cause extra pipe noise and depression inside the pipe, in extreme cases the exhaust tube can collapse
due the low pressure inside (venture effect).
Use in gliders and in 3D planes
If you plan to use your engine in a glider, please consider to de-rate your engine. The typical use that is running at full
power continuously for the entire flight in airframes that easily weight 4 times the engine thrust is very hard for the
engine, as the internal elements like combustion chamber are subjected to maximum temperature and stress all the
time, reducing the time between overhauls. We would recommend using the engine at 80% of its maximum power in
these conditions, or using the 100% for take-off, but later reducing to 80% during continuous climb.
We don’t recommend using our engines in 3D planes doing fast acrobatics. The gyroscopic forces that a turbine rotor
turning at +220.000RPM apply to the bearings doing a loop in less than 1s are extremely high and can destroy the
bearings or cause the compressor or turbine wheels to rub to the engine case. Warranty will not cover this kind of
List of ECU message codes
Here is a list of possible messages shown on the data terminal screen and their meaning:
TrimLow: Indicates that the signal received from the transmitter corresponds to the lowered trim, that is to say,
engine OFF.
Ready: Indicates that the engine is ready for starting, and that the transmitter signal corresponds to IDLE, (LED lit
StickLo!: This indicates that the throttle stick is in a position above IDLE, the engine will not start with the stick in
this position.
Glow Test: Verification of glow plug
StartOn: Test of the starter and rpm sensor
Ignition: Ignition phase.
SwitchOver: Phase of heating of the combustion chamber after detecting the ignition.
FuelRamp: Phase of acceleration until idle speed.
Run Idle: Engine working correctly, pilot have full control of engine power, command received from transmitter is
Running: Engine working correctly, pilot have full control of engine power, command received is an intermediate
setting between Idle and Full Power.
Run-Max: Engine working correctly, pilot have full control of engine power, command received is Full Power
CalPump: Pump is being calibrated; it is an informative message, nothing to worry about.
Stop: Engine off.
Cooling: Starter is operating to cool the engine.
GlowBad: Defective or disconnected glow plug.
StartBad: Defective starter, insufficient RPM reached during start, RPM sensor damaged, too thick oil used on
previous run, no cooling sequence done in previous run.