For maximum deceleration, release the throttle
and apply both
front and rear brakes. Disengage the clutch as the motorcycle comes
to a stop. Independent use of the front or rear brake may be
advantageous under certain conditions.
Downshift progressively as speed is reduced to ensure good engine
response when you want to accelerate.
To obtain the proper operating clearances in the engine and
transmission that are necessary for smooth engine performance
and reliability, an initial break-in must be completed. For the first
hour or 100 Km of operation, run the engine at a low and medium
The slow speed necessary during the break-in period may cause
dirt to build up on the spark plug. If inspection of the spark plug
shows this to be the case, replace the standard spark plug with
a higher heat grade spark plug for the duration of the break-in
Break-in following these steps:
1. Start the engine and let it run at idle until the engine is thoroughly
warmed up.
2. Stop and let the engine cool completely
3. Start the engine and ride for 10 minutes at moderate speed.
4. Stop and let the engine cool completely. Check and adjust the
chain and spokes and carry out a general inspection.
5. Start the engine and ride for 20 minutes at moderate speed.
6. Stop and let the engine cool completely. Check and adjust (4).
7. Fit the inspected parts.
8. Fill the radiator up completely with cooling liquid. Before starting
the engine bleed the air from the cooling system.
9. Start the engine and ride for 30 minutes at moderate speed.
10. Stop and let the engine cool completely. Check and adjust (4).
11. After the run-in procedure has been properly carried out, the
motorcycle is ready to be ridden normally.
In any case, even an imprudent acceleration can cause engine
trouble, take special care and use the proper skills and techniques
required for correct driving of the motorcycle.
Following the break-in, fit a new standard spark plug.