The Investigator G-500 is shipped complete in
one carton:
• Control Housing
• Upper & Lower Stems
• Crossfire Searchcoil
• Parts Envelope (Contents listed
Make certain all of these parts are included
and are undamaged. Immediately report short-
ages or damages to your dealer. Follow these
assembly instructions. No tools are required.
Hand pressure will be satisfactory for all tight-
1. Open the clear plastic envelope which con-
tains two (2) spring clips, two (2) knobs, two (2)
washers and one (1) threaded bolt. Compress
the button ends of one spring clip and insert,
button-end first, into the lower stem of your
detector so that the buttons pop out of the
holes. Insert the other clip into the stem con-
nector at the rear of the electronic control
fraternity. In selecting an Investigator G-500
you have taken the advice of experienced law
enforcement officers. Now, use one of the
world's most capable automatic metal detec-
tors to let Garrett help you fight crime!
PN 1529570 Rev B
Garrett G-500