Your central nervous system (CNS) oxygen toxicity level.
Green: 0 to 79% CNS oxygen toxicity.
Yellow: 80 to 99% CNS oxygen toxicity.
Red: 100% or greater CNS oxygen toxicity.
Your current oxygen toxicity units (OTU).
Green: 0 to 249 OTU.
Yellow: 250 to 299 OTU.
Red: 300 or greater OTU.
Gauge Data Screens
Dive stopwatch: Displays the bottom time stopwatch; current, maximum, and average depth; and rate of ascent
or decent (
Using the Dive Stopwatch, page 16
Dive compass: Allows you to view the compass and set a directional heading to aid with underwater navigation
Navigating with the Dive Compass, page 15
Customizable data screen: Displays additional dive data and physiological information, including the time of
day, battery level, and your heart rate. You can edit the gauges and the first five data fields (