2 S
- W
Planning the Control Panel Location
Consideration in locating the fixing position of the Control Panel should be given to:
Access for the routing of cables for the system from detection devices,
sounders (internal and external), remote keypads, mains, etc.
The position of the underside retaining screw.
The fixing of a 3 amp fused spur with disconnection facility.
When fitting the RKP(s) consideration should be given to:
Operation of the keypad.
Readability of the display.
The Panel should be fixed to the wall using appropriate wall plugs and No.8 screws at
least 30mm long. Do not tighten the screws at this stage, wait until all your wiring is in
Wiring Considerations
With the exception of the mains wiring all interconnections should be made with
multicore 7/.02 alarm cable.
Good wiring practice should be observed throughout the installation and the following
tips may prove useful.
Never run alarm cables parallel to mains cables, telephone cables or any
other cables that may be carrying inductive loads
Whenever you have to cross mains cables with alarm cables ensure that you
do so at 90°
Whenever possible wire the mains connection for the control panel back to
the consumer unit via a 3A fused spur with disconnection facility.
Never tap into ring main circuits that have fridges/freezers on them.
Never tap into lighting circuits that have fluorescent lighting units on them.
490X Engineer’s Reference Guide
490X 1.qxd 11/07/2006 12:32 Page 4