490X Engineer’s Reference Guide
The 490X Control Panel is a microprocessor based unit that has been designed to be
suitable for all types of domestic and commercial installations. All zones are fully pro-
grammable by the engineer.
On power up / reset, the Control Panel can be set to the old BS or EN2 (Grade 2)
operating standards.
It is ESSENTIAL that a 4 6 YES NO reset is done to all new
systems before commencement of programming.
Upon completion of the installation the engineer may, if required, re-program several
factory set options so as to tailor the Control Panel to suit the requirements of the sys-
The 490X control panel uses 32 character LCD Remote Keypads for control of the
system via User Code(s) and programming of the system via an Engineer Code. The
Factory Default Codes are
Default Master User Code
Default Engineer Code
The Engineer code may be ‘Locked’ into the system during engineer
programming and it should be noted that if the ‘Locked’ code is not known the
only way to have it returned to the factory default is to return the PCB to the
Option Formats.
When an option cannot be changed the display will show a
than the usual
sign. Pressing the No key is disregarded and the panel will react as
though the Yes key has been pressed (i.e. it will move onto the next option).
490X 1.qxd 11/07/2006 12:32 Page 3