© Gardner Denver Schopfheim GmbH
Commissioning and decommissioning
Via the selection menu „Manual set-up (Handvorgabe)“ (Fig. 14/1) the operator can decide whether the set-
point value shall be entered by the value input in the field „Setpoint (Sollwert) [mbar abs.]“ (Fig. 14/2), by tim-
er, or by an external source (CAN).
By the authorisation „Main operation (Hauptbedienung)“ it is only possible to edit the setpoint value of the
pump via the field „Setpoint (Sollwert) [mbar abs.]“ (Fig. 14/2). This field can be used to input the value.
Manual set-up (Handvorgabe)
Using the drop-down menu the source for the setpoint value can be specified. The following options are
• Manual set-up: The setpoint value is specified via the field „Setpoint“ (Fig. 14/2).
• Timer: The setpoint value is specified by the timer (chapter 6.3.6).
• External setpoint: The setpoint value is specified by an external source via the CAN connection.
Setpoint (Sollwert) [mbar abs]
The pressure to which the pump shall be regulated can be specified in the „Setpoint“ field. The setpoint
value is only allowed to be changed within the minimum and maximum limits specified by Gardner Denver.
These values are displayed on the bar display „Setpoint“ (Fig. 14/9). The position of the slide control indi-
cates the currently set value of the field „Setpoint“ (Fig. 14/2).
The setpoint value stated by the timer or the external control is displayed next to the input field for the set-
point value (Fig. 14/3).
Actual value (Istwert) [mbar abs]
(Fig. 14/4)
It displays the current value of pressure.
Actual frequency (Istfrequenz) [Hz]
It displays the current frequency at which the motor of the pump is running.
Utilisation of pump (Auslastung der Pumpe)
(Fig. 14/6)
Utilisation displays the percentage of the utilisation of the pump. It can also be interpreted as the percentage
of the pumping capacity available.
Deviation from setpoint (Abweichung vom Sollwert)
The display „Deviation from setpoint (Abweichung vom Sollwert)“ is used for graphical representation of the
Setpoint-Actual difference of pressure. The values of the minimum and maximum deviation from setpoint
pressure cannot be changed.
6.3.5 Time (Uhrzeit)
Opening of the „Time (Uhrzeit)“ screen calls and displays the current date and time from the frequency
On the „Time (Uhrzeit)“ screen it is possible to set date and time. For this purpose, enter the desired values
in the fields (Fig. 15/2, 3) and confirm with the „Set date/time (setze Datum/Uhrzeit)“ (Fig. 15/1) button.
Pressing the „Call date/time (hole Datum/Uhrzeit)“ (Fig. 15/4) button reads out the current time from the fre-
quency converter.
The set time and date act on the timer. The set time/date is directly processed in the timer.
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Tel. 071 918 60 60, Mail: [email protected]