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4990140010 Date:03/15
XK12 Installation, Operating & Maintenance Manual
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XK12 Installation, Operating & Maintenance Manual
4.4 Commissioning Procedure
All procedures and temperature readings should be taken via the 4 probes
fi tted in the XK12 inlet and outlet fl anges.
Watch out for hot-pipes and
make sure you replace/re-
tighten any fastenings.
If the outlet temperature
exceeds 230°C or the
diff erence between inlet
temperature and outlet
temperature exceeds 200°C,
whichever occurs fi rst stop the
test immediately and contact
the Gardner Denver Drum
Max. Inlet Depression
100mbar under all
circumstances. 70mbar with
the commissioning fi lter
Max. Discharge Pressure
2.5 bar g
On completion of the installation and driver training, complete the
commissioning chart, sign, date and retain for future reference.
We also recommend photographing the installation and retaining with the
commissioning chart.
1 Check that the discharge gate valve on the pipe work is
2 Start the engine, depress the clutch and allow the vehicle
gearbox parts to stop rotating (5 seconds should be suffi
Engage the PTO and slowly raise the clutch, then set the engine
speed to give a PTO output of 1000 rpm.
3 Whilst the compressor is operating, check the pipe work for
leaks and gently agitate the inlet to release any debris that may
be present.
4 After 15 minutes, depress the clutch, and engage the PTO.
5 Check the oil/fi ll level and drain plugs for leaks, and replace the
commissioning fi lter with the inlet gasket supplied being careful
to remove any debris that could fall into the pipe bore.
6 Repeat point 2 above and set the speed to 1600rpm or the
future/working operating speed.
7 Record the inlet depression and check for induction leaks. A
maximum of 70mbar is permitted on a new machine, if it is
greater than this, check the inlet pipes and fi lter for potential
blockages and that the comissioning fi lter has been removed.
8 Raise the discharge pressure to just below 2.5 barg by adjusting
the gate valve setting. Check for system leaks. If all is well, run
the compressor for 45 minutes recording temperatures
and pressures at 10 minute intervals. Measure the inlet and
outlet pressure and temperature as well as the ambient
temperature. Re-check for oil leaks
9 Increase the pressure beyond this to operate the relief valve.
10 The relief valve should crack (begin to open/blow off ) at a
pressure not exceeding 2.5 bar g and then fully open (full
bypass) at no more than 2.5bar g.
11 Slowly reduce the pressure until the relief valve re-seats (should
be before 2.2 bar g) and record this value on the
commissioning test sheet.
12 Make sure that all fl anges are leak free and that fastenings/
mountings are still tight.
13 Disengage the PTO, return the engine speed to tick over and
then stop the engine.
14 Remove the commissioning probes and plug off the holes again.
Tick when completed