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4990140010 Date:03/15
XK12 Installation, Operating & Maintenance Manual
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XK12 Installation, Operating & Maintenance Manual
4.1 Pre-commissioning check list.
Figure 11. Commissioning Tappings
4.2 Inlet commissioning fi lter.
Should have been in place throughout the installation of the XK12 and its
The fi lter should be removed during commissioning after 15 minutes
operation at 1000 rpm (or 1810 rpm for high speed machine).
4.3 Monitoring probes.
Two 1/4” BSP blanking plugs are fi tted in each of the inlet port fl ange and
unused outlet port blanking fl ange.
These should be removed and replaced with a temperature probe and a
pressure probe for commissioning only. (see Fig. 11)
If Gardner Denver Drum supplied fl anges are not used, the installer must
provide 2 x 1/4” BSP tappings adjacent to the inlet and outlet ports for the
commissioning test probes.
Failure to remove the
comissioning fi lter during
commissioning may lead to
failure of the compressor.
Lubrication plugs fi tted.
Gearbox fi lled with oil.
Pipe bores etc cleaned after fabrication.
Commissioning fi lter in position.
All fl anges, fasteners and mountings secure.
Vehicle PTO disengaged.
Engine management system set-up correctly for the application.
Commissioning temperature and pressure probes fi tted (see fi g. 12)
Blow (ball) valve open (if starting against a tank pressure).
Commissioning 2.5”-3” gate valve and silencer fi tted.
Ancillaries correctly fi tted and sequenced.
Tick when completed