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Hydromette BL A plus
ResCap Mode
The ResCap mode provides the possibility to carry out a high-
precision resistance measurement and thus to adjust the setting of
the capacitive measurement to the measurement result. In this
mode, a resistance measurement is first carried out on the wood to
be measured and the measurement result is confirmed by the user
by briefly pressing the measurement button. Then the resistance
measurement electrode is removed and the instrument with the
measuring surface for capacitive measurement is positioned at the
same place. Now the adjustment is started by briefly pressing the
measurement button. The measuring instrument automatically
adjusts the setting of the wood type adjuster for the capacitive
measurement until the value determined with the capacitive
measuring method matches the measurement result from the
resistance measurement. Now, using the determined setting of the
wood type adjuster, further measurements can be carried out non-
destructively for the same wood type.
It should be noted for this mode that moisture close to the surface
flows more strongly into the measurement result than moisture in
the core of the wood during capacitive measurement. This gives
the best result with balanced moisture in the wood. In order to
prevent the influence of the resistance electrode and the measuring
cable on the capacitive measurement, the resistance electrode
should always be removed from the wood and the measuring cable
disconnected from the measuring instrument. The accuracy of the
measurements decreases for wood moisture that deviates
significantly from the setting point (> 10% wood moisture difference
to the balance point). However, a trend statement is still possible.
Areas of knots and twists, as well as bark or cambium must be
avoided when using the capacitive measuring method. It is not
possible to use this mode for moisture values of <5% and >45%
wood moisture, as the capacitive measuring method no longer
provides reliable values.